It is important to TSPA that attendees at TrustCon feel safe and secure when attending TrustCon. These guidelines describe our policies and protocols on attendees' security, health, and safety. Both staff and volunteers are familiar with and authorized to enforce these guidelines.  


Although the venue is a hotel in which members of the public can come and go, anyone within TrustCon’s conference space, whether they are an attendee, speaker, staff, volunteer, or vendor must be credentialed and verified. Only attendees with an official TrustCon name badge are allowed to attend sessions, events, activities; partake in meals and breaks; and be in the conference space, including hallways and foyers. 

Name Badges

Anyone in the conference space during TrustCon hours (Monday, 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM; Tuesday, 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM; Wednesday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) is required to be a registered attendee. All attendees (including speakers, staff, volunteers, vendors, exhibitors, and attendees) at TrustCon are required to wear their name badges at all times. Before you attend any activities at TrustCon, please make sure that you have checked in at the registration desk to pick up your name badge. If you forget your name badge, please go to the registration desk to get a new one. If we still have tickets available and are offering on-site registration, you may register on-site. If you do not wish to register or we are sold out and do not have tickets available, we will ask you to leave. 

Attendees who have single day passes will have the day noted on their name badge and can only attend on the day they are registered to attend. We do not offer non-delegate passes for TrustCon except for rare exceptions. 

Swapping Name Badges

We also do not allow name badge swaps. If you are not able to attend, you cannot give your name badge to a colleague to attend in your stead. Everyone is required to have their own registration. If we notice that you are using someone else’s name badge, we will ask you to go to the registration desk to register, if on-site registration is available, or we will ask you to leave. 

Events For Non-TrustCon Attendees

There will be several events at TrustCon that are open to non-TrustCon attendees. These events include: Tech Coalition Closed Roundtable on Wednesday; TSF's Closed Roundtable on Wednesday; and several meetings that will take place on Tuesday in the Boardrooms on the Atrium level.

If you are attending an event that has a separate registration, please follow the directions in your registration confirmation and go directly to the appropriate check-in location. Only registered TrustCon attendees, with a name badge, will be allowed in TrustCon's conference area or sessions; if you are lost, we will bring you to the correct check-in location or ask you to leave.


The health and safety of attendees is our highest priority. Depending on recommendations by local governments and health care practitioners, we may add additional health and safety requirements to this section. In the event that we have to cancel TrustCon due to federal, state, or local government mandates, we will immediately inform all registered attendees and also post updates on this website. 

If you aren't feeling well or have been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19 or any other contagious illness (such as the flu or norovirus), please reconsider your attendance. Contact us and we can discuss refunds or transferring your registration. Prior to attending TrustCon, we kindly ask that you check COVID-19 vaccine and booster recommendations as well San Francisco's guidelines on COVID-19. If you become ill at the conference or test positive for COVID-19 or any other highly contagious illnesses during TrustCon, please let TSPA staff know and do not continue attending the event.  

We will not require masks for this event, but welcome and embrace those who feel more comfortable wearing a mask. We will have masks available at the Information Desk.


We are expecting about 1,000 attendees at TrustCon this year. To ensure the safety of all our attendees, we will be doing the following. 

Room Capacity Limits

It is important that session rooms are not filled beyond its capacity limits. We will have Room Monitors who will ensure that session rooms are not over-capacity. If a room is full, Room Monitors will not allow anyone to enter the room. Attendees who persistently ask to be allowed into at-capacity rooms may be asked to leave. 

Alcohol Policy

Alcohol (as well as non-alcoholic) beverages will be available during some social and networking events at TrustCon. Please use best judgment regarding your alcohol intake. Servers are authorized to deny serving more alcohol if they believe someone has had too much. If you’ve had too much to drink, please take a taxi, rideshare, or public transportation rather than driving. Talk to TSPA staff or volunteers if you or another attendee needs assistance. 

We do not allow outside food and beverages, including alcohol, in the conference space. Please consume outside food and beverages, including alcohol, outside of the conference space. 

Verbal Abuse / Physical Violence

We do not allow any verbal or physical violence towards attendees, speakers, hotel staff, or our staff and volunteers. We do not allow any weapons, including guns, knives, blunt instruments that can cause harm. We will ask anyone to leave if they are verbally abusive, physically violent, or have a weapon.