Photos and videos bring complex but relatively known difficulties to online safety and privacy. Live video and associated text chat starts adding a layer of risk and complexity that are difficult and not fully solved for yet but still a relatively known space. Adding audio into the mix, especially audio chat without related visual media, is a newer frontier at scale where best practices are yet to be fully fleshed out and creativity is key to protect users as popularity grows. We'll briefly discuss some of the best practices and difficulties to think about for visual media before diving into the world of audio including the difficulties that exist, especially for global platforms, and some of the key ways you can tackle the problem with more attention to longstanding T&S goals: user education, upstream product design and downstream tools, policies and procedures.
Lightning talks are 5-7 minute talks grouped with other 5-7 minute talks across a 50 minute session. There will be time for Q&A after all of the lightning talks in a session.