#Bxl2Bay - Navigating Emerging Threats in the Age of the DSA - Birds of a Feather (Hosted by EU Office in San Francisco & Tremau)

Separate Registration Required

⚠️ What are the most urgent emerging threats in platform governance today? How did GenerativeAI affect the threat landscape and the operations of Trust & Safety professionals? How can the EU Digital Services Act provide an effective policy response to manage and mitigate these risks? 

🔵 To address these questions, the European Union Office in San Francisco will host, in partnership with Tremau, a #BrusselsToTheBay event with experts including Gerard de Graaf  - Senior EU Envoy to the US for Digital & Head of the EU Office in SF - and Louis-Victor de Franssu - CEO & Co-Founder of Tremau. 

😉 Come for the panel, and stay for the drinks! 🍹

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM