TSF Roundtable: Language Support, Tooling, and Content Moderation [Invite Only]

This invite only, Chatham House Rule roundtable sponsored by the Trust and Safety Foundation (TSF) will bring together a range of relevant stakeholders to talk about the issues surrounding content moderation when it comes to language support and tooling, with an eye to identifying and naming existing gaps, ideating together about possible solutions, and discussing how LLMs and/or AI factor into these present and future considerations. Importantly, this roundtable is also intended to provide an opportunity for a range of stakeholders to understand how others are situated in terms of incentives and constraints with the aim of beginning to build collaborative relationships of respect and trust.

The desired outcomes of this roundtable are threefold: (1) to help participants establish relationships of respect and trust with one another; (2) to identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities, including possible paths forward for collaboration and/or research; (3) to publish a public report (with participants’ consent and under Chatham House Rule) to better define the problem space and to share the most pressing research questions and opportunities for collaborations with the broader T&S ecosystem.

Location Name
Boardroom C
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Session Themes
Operations, Partnerships, Product, Research
Will this session be recorded?