Building Resilience: Navigating the Impact of "Less Severe" Content on Moderator Wellbeing & Productivity

This panel examines content moderators’ exposure to varying levels of content severity to identify key challenges impacting their wellbeing and productivity. Moderators review content across a wide severity spectrum ranging from benign to egregious. The T+S field has largely focused on examining strategies to protect content moderators against explicitly severe content. However, less attention has been given to the impact of content that appears to be less severe (e.g., harassment or misinformation) and other occupational factors on moderators’ well-being and productivity. The current panel, consisting of top experts in T+S, will discuss: (1) how content severity is defined, and why it plays a key role in content policies; (2) what additional factors affecting the wellness and productivity of moderators should be considered; (3) what key challenges within the existing T+S policies and guidelines on content moderation are and; (4) what the top three implications for moderators’ productivity and well-being are.

Location Name
Grand Ballroom B
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
4:10 PM - 5:00 PM
Session Type
Session Themes
Effective Teams, Research, Wellness & Resilience
Only TSPA members
Will this session be recorded?