Innovating Transparency: Industry x Regulatory Collaboration

New transparency reporting requirements and regulatory regimes are growing rapidly. With the launch of the European DSA, the Australian Basic Online Safety Expectations, and the U.K. Online Safety Act, transparency reporting and expanded Trust & Safety data are becoming legal requirements for companies. Moreover, under certain laws, companies in different industries (e.g., social media vs. gaming) must produce different transparency data. In this workshop, you’ll be placed in the shoes of both industry professionals and regulators. You’ll work in groups to ideate data and information that could provide meaningful transparency for your company and industry. Afterwards, you’ll take on the role of a regulator, identifying how to assess the information provided, and what additional information you might require. Our goal is for attendees to understand the challenges for industry, regulators and civil society in delivering transparency, and provide common ground between the public and private sector in innovating meaningful transparency. This workshop is geared for both regulators and industry T&S professionals working on transparency reporting, legal, operations, compliance, and policy. 

Location Name
Pacific Concourse D
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Session Type
Session Themes
Data & Metrics, Operations, Regulation
No press
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