Networked: Promoting Regulatory Coherence in the Online World

The online safety landscape is undergoing significant transformation as more users clamour for better safety protections, the T&S profession matures, and governments strive to protect their citizens through regulation. But as legislation is debated, enacted and implemented, its limitations become clear: national laws can only go so far when it comes to regulating a rapidly expanding industry spanning the globe. Enter the Global Online Safety Regulators Network. The Network is the only international forum dedicated to supporting collaboration between online safety regulators, with members from the EU, UK, Africa and APAC, and observers in North America. Its goal is to create a safer digital ecosystem by sharing insights, experience and best practice, while promoting coherent and interoperable approaches. In this session, leaders from the Network will discuss the risks of regulatory fragmentation and the benefits of regulatory coherence, and how to promote systemic change alongside the T&S community.

Location Name
Grand Ballroom B
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
Session Type
Session Themes
Partnerships, Regulation, Scaling T&S
All TrustCon attendees
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