Enacting Generative AI Safety by Design Principles to Combat Child Sexual Abuse

In the same way that offline and online sexual harms against children have been accelerated by the internet, misuse of generative AI has profound implications for child safety. This misuse, and its associated downstream harm, is already occurring. This panel will discuss how a diverse group of generative AI leaders and child safety advocates worked to establish a set of Safety by Design principles for the entire lifecycle of machine learning (ML)/AI from the earliest stages: development, deployment, and maintenance. Learn how trust and safety leaders at Stability AI, Open AI and Google were able to secure commitments from their companies to put tangible Safety by Design principles in place to combat child sexual abuse, in the context of generative AI. They will share learnings they have from the implementation process and progress they have made against these commitments–including the quick wins and the difficulties.

Location Name
Grand Ballroom C
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
Session Type
Child Safety
Session Themes
Child Safety, Designing for Safety, Emerging Trends, Engineering
All TrustCon attendees
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