How to Build a Wellness Program for Trust and Safety Professionals

We all know that data is the key to being able to track and manage the wellbeing of those who work in the Trust and Safety space, which is why a robust system of metrics is so crucial. As a global business though, we’ve seen for ourselves that data alone cannot always differentiate between the various cultural and societal factors that might be at play in different countries around the world. For example, if you’re outsourcing support to a country where ideas of what constitutes employee wellbeing differ greatly from your own, how reliable can those wellbeing metrics be? At Webhelp we don’t think the systems currently being used can account for these types of variable cultural factors – there simply isn’t one homogenous agreed idea of wellbeing across the planet.

Location Name
Seacliff B
Thursday, July 13, 2023
2:50 PM - 3:40 PM
Session Type
Session Themes
Wellness & Resilience
All TrustCon attendees
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